Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tilt/Shift Fireworks

Well this is just weird.  I decided to dig out my lensbaby and try and photograph fireworks.  (Such is the beauty of living near a theme park empire, there's a constant supply of fireworks and photographic subjects.) 

Not sure if this works.... more after the jump  

First, some technical mumbo/jumbo. I shot everything at ISO 100 at f/11 with a manual shutter release. Its about a stop or two over.  Now with photography, the f/stop determines how much depth of field you have... thus how much of a "sweet spot" if you're using a tilt/shift lens. Wider the aperture, shallower the depth of field and smaller sweet spot. But then you're dealing with a long exposure of fireworks... so the answer is a ND filter, when I try this again.

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