I love baseball more than any sport. I love photographing baseball. I consider myself primarily a sports photographer. More and more media access is being controled for sports teams by either the teams or the agents. Its all about publicity and getting your name in the spotlight. And there's no man in the world of baseball who does more to disparage the sport (while maiking himself a crapload of money) than Scott Boras.
Here's the deal. Scott Boras is the Super Sports agent who's latest infraction against humanity is to announce during Game 4 of the World Series that Yankee Alex Rodriguez would opt out of his multi-zillion dollar deal. In the Mmiddle of the World Series, where Boston swept the Rockies, Boras steals the spotlight for himself and his player, showing zero respect for the Red Sox, the World Series, or even baseball itself, including Red Sox outfielder & Boras client J.D. Drew ($70 mil). Don't forget Red Sox captain Jason Varitek, who's Boras' client and got a $40 mil salary from John Henry and the Sox. Assuming that Boras gets a meger 10% of those deals, it sure looks like that even $11 million of the Red Sox's money isn't enough for him to keep his damm mouth shut until the Series is over.
In a rare show of restraint, the Yankees decided not to announce their managerial turn until after the World Series was over. Shame that Boras couldn't wait one day. At least the "Old guard" of Major League Baseball - Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago - still have some class.
Boars doesn't care. He's the one who got Red Sox CF Johnny Damon to turn traitor and go play ball for the Yankees.... for $52 million. And then there's J.D. Drew. As a rookie, he wanted $11 mil from Philly for the first round pick. Philly said "F off" and he eventually got redrafted by the Cardinals.
And since the BoSox won the series, here's some from Spring Training.