Monday, October 22, 2007

Fun with Smoke Machines

So i've been wanting to pull off the Smoke Machine sportrait for a couple of weeks now.

Of course I didn't test the machine out before hand! A highly motivated person (meaning smart) would have teched that thing out in the living room before hand. Me? I opened the box for the first time at the shoot.

It turned out pretty well. I used the target branded one for $20. Its pretty much.... eh. You get what you pay for. I really wouldn't recommend it to all that many people. I feel i need more control over the smoke and its direction. It turned out nice i think.

The smoke was behind him and really behaving badly. The light was clearly behind. (Yeah, that was an oopsie) And the main light was a 10 degree grid spot with a CTO gel over it, shot in tung/incandescent to make the smoke really blue.

(Next time I'll probably shoot it on cloudy and toss that CTO gel on the rear light giving a big orange glow.)

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