So in their infinite wisdom, Nikon has come out with a full-frame sensor camera that does incredible things in the dark but also costs $5000. No noise at ISO 3200, minimal noise at 6400 and 12,500. Finally we have a tool that is slightly better than Canon. Its taken 8 years but finally, its there.
The problem is, its $5G. Five large. Over ha;f my established credit limit. Takes amazing pictures that blow away anything else on the market. Its just expensive. And my employer can't afford them. Heck, our employer has us running around with 10 year old 17-35s and 80-200s. Its nice and i'm a big believer in making do with what you have and that a camera is just an extention of yoru own creativity but %$@# I'd really like to be able to compete on even ground with the kids coming out of college that only have a Canon 5D and a 28-70. Heck, i've got a 24-85 f/2.8-4 (its nice, really) but hey, a Canon kid drops $3500 and they get a Nice 5D (full frame camera) and a 28-70 while to get the same in Nikon, you're dropping $6800. Thats pretty much twice the price.
Our industry keeps getting the most out of people for the least amount of money. Its the New American Way (unintentional Murphys reference), i suppose. We nearly had layoffs at our paper and our editor did a little raindance and saved everyones jobs. When i tell people what i make, they're shocked given the effort i put in. (I take that as a compliment) I guess with the continuing desire for profit margins by my employers, i shouldn't be shocked by getting the short end of the stick. I suppose that's my the Murphy's music appeals to me. I just want to get paid for somewhere close to the effort i put into it.
So what are the odds of actually getting updated equipment? Slim. There's a chance, because it comes out of another budget. Really. I make do with my stuff and i supplement it with my own stuff. Lightstands, lenses, pocket wizards, softboxes and all the other sundry equipment. And i'll continue to make do. I'd just be doing much easier if my pay went up.