Thursday, January 10, 2008

Disney Trip 2008.

Main Street USA reflects in a christmas ornament.

So i took a brief vacation to Disney World. I'll spare the ugly details suffice that it was the worst vacation ever, highlighted by a 30-minute response time to a smoke-alarm activation. Anyone who has covered spot news or works in or around firefighters will tell you that a hotel room can be gutted in under 10 minutes.

Highlights: Champagne on the beach and taking a business phone call right after getting off of "Its a Small World."

I mainly stayed away from the camera, except for a few pictures here.

A dancer twirls two flaming batons.

Dancers dance under a blacklight.

1 comment:

kewlfocus said...

Hey man, sorry bout not getting back to you. I've been pretty busy, I was just in FL myself for two weeks, didn't stop by disney though. Anything new with the mouse?