Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sportrats, Basketball Edition. V1.

Georgia Bulldogs sophomore point guard Ashley Houst.

Turns out its hoops season now, So its more sportrait time. Until i actually get the sports section to run a mixed lighting balanced picture in color, i'm going to continue to turn them in. Its not my only trick, but its something i want ti run. I'm still peeved about the Knowshon picture (see below), so until they get it right, i'm going to continue to at least turn one in.

I had a really cool idea with this that just did NOT turn out whatsoever. So back to the lab with that one.

And on a housekeeping note here, thanks to Josh who pointed out that you couldn't do a google search on my name and photoblog and get this page. Instead, you would get my sportsshooter page and then a refer to a blog containing a photo of Sir David Manning. (Clearly i am not an older British gentleman) But thats fixed now.

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