Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Night with Bill (or .....sometimes you have to be in the crowd)

President Bill Clinton speaks at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 in Charlotte, NC. 
Sometimes, you have to put the cameras down and just experience the moment.  Such was my adventures over the past 10 days doing PR work around the Republican and Democratic Conventions. Alas one night, I was able to get away and actually attend for an evening and see what all the hoopla was about.

The night's speaker: None other than President William Jefferson Clinton.

Now I have never seen a President speak since Bush in 89 during a Boy Scout Jamboree.  Naturally i took my credential and embarked through the armed camp of Charlotte to the Time Warner Arena, complete with one camera and a 50/1.8 to just enjoy the experience.

On the street? Dancing Obama.

The main entrance to get in.  Metal detectors beyond the fences.

It wasnt busy as it was 7-ish.

I get inside, find my spot on the mezannine level and immediately find good light.

I also find Obama, the Puppet.

Eventually, its time for the main event. President Clinton takes the stage and the crowd roars.  Not quiet  as loud as the home team scoring the game winning goal in Overtime or Brett Myers drawing a nine-pitch walk, but loud nonetheless.

I had a nice view. 

The speech ran long.  The next morning, we heard it was 40% ad-libbed.  I wanted to stay for the entire thing as word filtered through the crowd that Obama was in the arena and would appear on stage with him BUT it ran so long, I was in danger of missing my hotel shuttle back to Rock Hill, SC.  (My hotel was a half-hour away)  So at the threat of sleeping on a couch and not showering against missing the end of a political speech, I took the former.  I ran out, hiked through the streets and barely caught the shuttle.

In the end, the photos made me happy.  It wasn't for my client, wasn't what I was paid to do.  But it shows what I wanted to show.

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