Thursday, July 3, 2008

Attack of the Debaters

Okay, I'm delving into political territory here. Had to photograph a debate the other night. I saw one crazy lady, two toy trains, one awful combover and tried my darndest to get get some decent photos out of the deal.

Pretty much, i tried to do whatever i could to frame or make otherwise good composition beyond the standard "guy and microphone" shot. I liked the one above where you could look in from the bar with the TV screen above. Naturally they didn't run it.

I'm not going to name this politician because he is still running and i don't want this to be influencing the outcome, but suffice to say that combover just doesn't work whatsoever. Its just ridiculously bad. I'm not trying to make fun of him but its just awful. So kids, when you run for political office - Don't do that with your hair. Actually, when you leave the house in the morning, don't do that with your hair.

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