Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sad Recognition

So last week i get a call while I'm walking to another assignment about a possible triple shooting. This means i drop everything and head in the general direction until i get a specific location. All i knew was 3 people shot and it was a domestic shooting.

I show up and the first thing i saw was Det. Croxton carrying a baby, which sadly turned out to be the storytelling photo. It played out that the newborn's mother was one of the victims and it really got to me.

The police had a sizable perimeter set up and i never was able to get to the scene; rather i kept getting pushed back farther and farther away. Knowing that eventually i would be pushed back, i made it my goal to get as many storytelling photos as i could. Its like a mental checklist - neighbors, details, the scene, the cops, SWAT guys, victims, basically everything that a cop would want for a prosecution, i want a photo of.

Eventually the other media in town shows up (3 hours later) and starts asking me about who was who and whats the latest that was said.

In the end, i made a poignant photo that was seen by the world. On the whole I'd rather the child grow up with a mother.

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